Contributions to books

Showing entries 1 - 50 out of 191
Kirchler, E. (2023). Psicología del comportamiento tributario. In El (in)cumplimiento tributario. Resultados de su investigación e implicaciones para el derecho tributario (pp. 15-22)

Kirchler, E. (2022). Geiz und Gier – Einstellungen zu Steuer- und Sozialleistungsbetrug. In Festschrift Roman Leitner: Steuerrecht – Finanzstraferecht – Wirtschaftsstrafrecht (pp. 19-35). Linde Verlag Wien GmbH.

Truzka, A., Kirchler, E., & Puklavec, Z. (2022). Nudging taxpayers to comply: Reflections about the effect of deterrence and non-deterrence behavioral interventions depending on taxpayers’ motivational postures. In Ü. R. Dayiogllu Erul (Ed.), Psikolojik ve Sosyolojik Yönleriyle Vergilendirme: Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Taxation (pp. 19-48). Kitap Yayınevi.

Enachescu, J., Puklavec, Z., Bauer, C., Olsen, J., Kirchler, E., & Alm, J. (2021). Incidental emotions, integral emotions, and decisions to pay taxes. In M. M. Erdogdu, L. Batrancea, & S. Cevik (Eds.), Behavioral Public Finance. Individuals, Society, and the State (pp. 155-177). Routledge.

Kirchler, E. (2021). Schubsen, Rempeln oder Verordnen? Psychologie und Verhaltenssteuerung. In Firmensport Österreich 2021. Zielgruppengerechte und lebensweltnahe Bewegung im Setting Arbeitswelt (pp. 184-196). Österreichischer Betriebssportverband.

Kirchler, E. (2021). Strengthening Tax Compliance by Balancing Authorities’ Power and Trustworthiness. In B. Van Rooij, & D. Sokol (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance (pp. 799-821). Cambridge University Press.

Kirchler, E. (2021). Vorwort. In N. Walzer, & R. Thoma (Eds.), Erfolgeicher führen in einer VUKA-Welt (pp. 7-9). Europäisches Bildungsinstitut.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Besitzeffekt. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 290). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Gangl, K. (2020). Finanzpsychologie. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 608-609). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Hofmann, E. (2020). Haushaltsentscheidungen. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 748). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E. (2020). Konsumklima. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie (19., überarbeitete ed., pp. 987). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Meliorationsprinzip. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1142). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Hartl, B. (2020). Ökonomische Psychologie. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1269). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Produktivität. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1400). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Rückschaufehler. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1539). Hogrefe.

Hartl, B., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Schattenwirtschaft. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1548-1549). Hogrefe.

El-Sehity, T., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Soziale Repräsentationen. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1665). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Status-quo-Fehler. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1706). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Mühlbacher, S. (2020). Steuerhinterziehung. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie (19. ed., pp. 1710). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Hartl, B. (2020). Steuerpsychologie. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1710-1711). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Sunk-cost-effect. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1741). Hogrefe.

Hartmann, A. J., Müller, M., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Tax Compliance: Research Methods and Decision Processes. In T. Zaleskiewicz, & J. Traczyk (Eds.), Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making Springer.

Kogler, C., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Taxpayers‘ subjective concepts of taxes, tax evasion, and tax avoidance. In R. F. V. Brederode (Ed.), Ethics and Taxation (pp. 191-205). Springer.

El-Sehity, T., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Theorie des zentralen Kerns. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie (19. ed., pp. 1789). Hogrefe.

Hofmann, E., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Umweltschädliches Verhalten, wirtschaftspsychologisch. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1835). Hogrefe.

Kogler, C., & Kirchler, E. (2020). Vandalismus. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1854). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Stark, J. (2020). Verlustaversion. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (19 ed., pp. 1883). Hogrefe.

Olsen, J., Kapferer, T., & Kirchler, E. (2019). Comaración psicológica del impuesto sobre la renta y el impuesto al valor agregado: representaciones sociales, registro mental y cumplimiento. In C. A. Ruiz Jiménez (Ed.), Derecho Tributario y Derechos Humanos. Diàlogo en Mèxico y el Mundo (pp. 445-476). Tritant lo Blanch.

Kirchler, E. (2019). Geleitwort zu Positive Leadership von M. Ebner. In M. Ebner (Ed.), Positive Leadership: Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Personalentwickler und Trainer Facultas.

Gangl, K., & Kirchler, E. (2019). Introduction to a research agenda for economic psychology. In K. Gangl, & E. Kirchler (Eds.), A research agenda for economic psychology (pp. 1-10). Edward Elgar.

Kirchler, E., & Zieser, M. (2019). Steuern: Nutzenmaximierung, Moral und Komplexität. In W. Summersberger (Ed.), Der Wert bei Drittstaatslieferungen. Abgaben- und finanzstrafrechtliche Risken im Außenhandel (pp. 11-38). Linde Verlag Wien GmbH.

Enachescu, J., & Kirchler, E. (2019). The slippery slope framework of tax behaviour: reviewed and revised. In S. Goslinga, L. van der Hel-van Dijk, P. Macini, & A. van Stenbergen (Eds.), Tax and Trust. Instituitions, Interactions and Instruments (pp. 87-120). Eleven International Publishing.

Zieser, M., & Kirchler, E. (2019). Vertrauen, Kooperation und Evaluation: Horizontal Monitoring aus Sicht der Wirtschaftspsychologie. In E. Müller, H. Woischitzschläger , & H. Zöchling (Eds.), Co-operative tax compliance in Österreich (pp. 23-49). Linde Verlag Wien GmbH.

Kamleitner, B., Marckhgott, E., & Kirchler, E. (2018). Money management in households. In A. Lewis (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour (2nd ed.) (2 ed., pp. 260-284). Cambridge University Press.

Batrancea, L., Nichita, A., Batrancea, I., & Kirchler, E. (2018). Tax compliance behavior: An upshot of trust in and power of authorities across Europe and MENA. In M. M. Erdogdu, & B. Christiansen (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Public Finance in Europe and the MENA Regio (pp. 248-267). IGI Global.

Olsen, J., Kang, M., & Kirchler, E. (2018). Tax psychology. In A. Lewis (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour (2nd ed.) (2 ed., pp. 405-429). Cambridge University Press.

Kirchler, E. (2018). Vorwort. In J. Bunner, & C. Korunka (Eds.), Sicherheitskräfte im Betrieb (pp. 5). Facultas.

Kamleitner, B., Mengay, T., & Kirchler, E. (2017). Financial decisions in the household. In M. Altman (Ed.), Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Smart Decision-Making withing the Bounds of Reason (pp. 349-365). Edward Elgar.

Kirchler, E., Hartl, B., & Gangl, K. (2017). Income tax compliance. In M. Altman (Ed.), Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Smart Decision-Making withing the Bounds of Reason (pp. 331-346). Edward Elgar.

Kasper, M., Olsen, J., Kogler, C., Stark, J., & Kirchler, E. (2017). Individual attitudes and social representations of taxation, tax avoidance and tax evasion. In N. Hashimzade, & Y. Epifantseva (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Tax Avoidance Research (pp. 289-303). Routledge.

Stark, J., El-Sehity, T., & Kirchler, E. (2017). Soziale Repräsentationen – soziale Vorstellungen. In H.-W. Bierhoff, & D. Frey (Eds.), Kommunikation, Interaktion und soziale Gruppenprozesse: Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Sozialpsychologie (pp. 63-81). Hogrefe.

Kirchler, E., & Hölzl, E. (2017). Tax behaviour. In R. Ranyard (Ed.), Economic Psychology (pp. 255-271). Wiley.

Gangl, K., Kirchler, E., Lorenz, C., & Torgler, B. (2017). Wealthy tax non-filers in a developing country: Taxpayer knowledge, perceived corruption and service orientation in Pakistan. In B. Peeters, H. Gribnau, & J. Badisco (Eds.), Building Trust in Taxation (pp. 354-374). Intersentia Publishers.

Gangl, K., Hofmann, E., Hartl, B., & Kirchler, E. (2016). Power of Authorities and Trust in Authorities Determine the Interaction Climate and Tax Compliance. In D. Salter, & L. Oats (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Taxation Research Volume 2 (Vol. 2). Fiscal Publications.

Stark, J., & Kirchler, E. (2016). Représentations sociales et économie. In G. Lo Monaco, S. Delouvée, & P. Rateau (Eds.), Les représentations sociales. Théories, méthodes et applications (pp. 323-336). De Boeck Publications.

Kirchler, E., & Kogler, C. (2015). Diversification bias. In M. Altman (Ed.), Real-world decision making: An encyclopedia of behavioral economics (pp. 99-101). Greenwood Press.

Kirchler, E., & Kogler, C. (2015). Endowment effect. In M. Altman (Ed.), Real-world decision making: An encyclopedia of behavioral economics (pp. 118-119). Greenwood Press.

Kirchler, E., & Kogler, C. (2015). Framing. In M. Altman (Ed.), Real-world decision making: An encyclopedia of behavioral economics (pp. 164-166). Greenwood Press.

Kirchler, E., & Hofmann, E. (2015). Household decisions. In M. Altman (Ed.), Real-world decision making: An encyclopedia of behavioral economics (pp. 203-205). Greenwood Press.

Showing entries 1 - 50 out of 191