Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Robert Böhm

Universitaetsstrasse 7 (NIG)

1010 Vienna

Room: D0603B

T: +43-1-4277-47332



For a CV and further details, see https://robertboehm.info/ 


Current advisory positions:

  • Member of the Technical Advisory Group on Behavioral and Cultural Insights (TAG BCI), World Health Organization/Regional Office for Europe

Key publications

Sprengholz, P., Henkel, L., Böhm, R., & Betsch, C. (2023). Historical narratives about the COVID-19 pandemic are motivationally biased. Nature, 693, 588-593.

Lilleholt, L., Zettler, I., Betsch. C., & Böhm, R. (2023). Development and validation of the pandemic fatigue scale. Nature Communications, 14, 6352.

Henkel, L., Sprengholz, P., Betsch, C., & Böhm, R. (2023). The association between vaccination status identification and societal polarization. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 231-239.

Böhm, R., Betsch, C., Litovsky, Y., Sprengholz, P., Brewer, N. T., Chapman, G., Leask, J., Loewenstein, G., Scherzer, M., Sunstein, C. R., & Kirchler, M. (2022). Crowdsourcing interventions to promote uptake of COVID-19 booster vaccines. eClinicalMedicine, 53, 101632.

Böhm, R., Halevy, N., & Kugler, T. (2022). The power of defaults in intergroup conflict. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 168, 104105.

Gross, J., & Böhm, R. (2020). Voluntary restrictions on self-reliance increase cooperation and mitigate wealth inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 17, 29202-29211.

Pfattheicher, S., Nockur, L., Böhm, R., Sassenrath, C., & Petersen, M. B. (2020). The emotional path to action: Empathy promotes physical distancing and wearing of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Science, 31, 1363-1373.

Betsch, C., Korn, L., Sprengholz, P., Felgendreff, L., Eitze, S., Schmid, P., & Böhm, R. (2020). Social and behavioral consequences of mask policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 21851-21853.

Korn, L., Böhm, R., Meier, N., & Betsch, C. (2020). Vaccination as a social contract. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 17, 14891-14899.

Böhm, R., Theelen, M. M. P., Rusch, H., & Van Lange, P. A. M. (2018). Costs, needs, and integration efforts shape helping behavior toward refugees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 7284-7289.

Pfattheicher, S., & Böhm, R. (2018). Honesty-Humility under threat: Self-uncertainty destroys trust among the nice guys. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 179-194.

Betsch., C., Böhm, R., Korn, L, & Holtmann, C. (2017). On the benefits of explaining herd immunity in vaccine advocacy. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 0056.

Böhm, R., Rusch, H., & Gürerk, Ö. (2016). What makes people go to war? Defensive intentions motivate retaliatory and preemptive intergroup aggression. Evolution and Human Behavior, 37, 29-34.

Buttelmann, D., & Böhm, R. (2014). The ontogeny of the motivation that underlies in-group bias. Psychological Science, 25, 921-927.


Betsch C, Habersaat KB, Deshevoi S, Heinemeier D, Briko N, Kostenko N et al. Sample study protocol for adapting and translating the 5C scale to assess the psychological antecedents of vaccination. BMJ Open. 2020 Mar 10;10(3):e034869. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034869

Meier NW, Böhm R, Korn L, Betsch C. Individual preferences for voluntary vs. mandatory vaccination policies: An experimental analysis. European Journal of Public Health. 2020 Feb 1;30(1):50-55. Epub 2019 Oct 18. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz181

Böhm R, Lilleholt L, Meineche JT, Strandsbjerg CF, Windfeld A, Windfeld FC et al. The COVID-19 snapshot monitoring in Denmark. Samfundsøkonomen. 2020;2020(4):62-69. doi: 10.7146/samfundsokonomen.v0i4.123562

Jörling M, Böhm R, Paluch S. Service robots: Drivers of perceived responsibility for service outcomes. Journal of Service Research. 2019 Nov 1;22(4):404-420. Epub 2019 Apr 7. doi: 10.1177/1094670519842334

Böhm R, Meier NW, Groß M, Korn L, Betsch C. The willingness to vaccinate increases when vaccination protects others who have low responsibility for not being vaccinated. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2019 Jun 1;42:381-391. Epub 2018 Nov 1. doi: 10.1007/s10865-018-9985-9

Böhm R, Betsch C. Ablehnung der Impfpflicht ist keine Ablehnung des Impfens. Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 2019. doi: 10.3238/PersInfek.2019.07.22.05

Betsch C, Schmid P, Korn L, Steinmeyer L, Heinemeier D, Eitze S et al. Impfverhalten psychologisch erklären, messen und verändern. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz. 2019;62:400-409. doi: 10.1007/s00103-019-02900-6

Betsch C, Schmid P, Heinemeier D, Korn L, Holtmann C, Böhm R. Beyond confidence: Development of a measure assessing the 5C psychological antecedents of vaccination. P L o S One. 2018 Dec 7;13(12):e0208601. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208601

Betsch C, Böhm R. Moral values do not affect prosocial vaccination. Nature Human Behaviour. 2018 Dec;2(12):881-882. doi: 10.1038/s41562-018-0478-1

Korn L, Betsch C, Böhm R, Meier NW. Social nudging: The effect of social feedback interventions on vaccine uptake. Health Psychology. 2018 Nov;37(11):1045-1054. doi: 10.1037/hea0000668

Böhm R, Theelen MMP, Rusch H, Lange PAMV. Costs, needs, and integration efforts shape helping behavior toward refugees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018 Jul 10;115(28):7284-7289. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1805601115